Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Training is Fun with Microsoft

The importance of training
 Training your employees is crucial to the company's success regardless of how new and experience your employees are, they all require training both off and on the job. Training your employees are like providing supplement to your company, the more you provide those important vitamins to your company the faster your company will grow and expend. Training helps employees to know what they are doing, increase efficiency, give job satisfactions and to have a better start.

What is Microsoft doing that is different?
In general, training can be a very boring and painful process to go through. However at Microsoft, employees get the best on-the-job training in the world, while enjoying a casual, flexible work environment where you can choose everything from when you work to what you wear. if you not working hard you are playing hard with some of the smartest, most talented, most committed technology lovers in the world.

What training opportunities are there?
1.Participate in lots of stimulation with outstanding colleagues to thrive on pushing limits of what  technology can do.
2.Working with cutting technologies.
3.Lots of freedom
4.Get creative, share your crazy ideas and try something new as Microsoft is not afraid of failure.
5.Have lots of support form mentors
6.Work hours are flexible to set your hours to match your own natural rhythms of productivity and rejuvenation.

How does Microsoft conduct their training?
Microsoft usually focuses on "on the job training: as a software company this is important because "on the job training" is a training that takes place while employees are actually working that means that skills can be gained while trainees are carrying out jobs which proves useful especially in the manufacturing department part of Microsoft as it both benefits employees and business. By law, employees who work in high risk area must learn basic first aid which categorizes as "off the job training". As well as people who are in leadership roles are also sent to "off the job training" as it focuses on general skills and knowledge useful in work like leadership training, how to deal with people and how to be a better person.

Do Microsoft do any soft skills training?
Yes absolutely, soft skill is a set of skills that related to a person's personality, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness and optimism that characterize relationship with other people. Soft skills complement  hard skills, which are occupational requirement of a job such as computer skills which is important to Microsoft employees.

My thoughts on training opportunities in Microsoft?
What I admire
What I criticize
Giving freedom to employees is great way to encourage them to make innovations and maximize productivity.  
I feel that by giving too much freedom will make the employee lazy as time goes by.
Having genius working together is a good idea as they can share their ideas to trainee and teach them.

Microsoft is not scared of failure or mistakes therefore their employees can do creative thing and their job are not threaten.




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